My Website About Environmental Conservation in Lincoln, Nebraska

My Website About Environmental Conservation in Lincoln, Nebraska


For my Multimedia Applications class, we were tasked with creating a website. For this project, I decide to make a website about environmental conservation in Lincoln, Nebraska. I chose this topic because it is something I am passionate about. In the past few years, I have tried to make a conscious effort to make my lifestyle more environmentally friendly. I thought that sharing what I have found during this process on a website would be a good idea. Hopefully my website can be information and an inspiration to people who want to start living this lifestyle.

Working on my website has been going pretty well. I would say that I am 2/3 of the way done with researching and writing my pages and posts. I was having troubles with Photoshop to begin with, so I put off finding pictures. This is something that I will have to eventually do. I also have to do things like the site map and contact page. Because of having extra time off of school and moving to online classes, I feel like I am behind on this project so I will have to put in a lot of work outside of class.

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