Silver Award

Silver Award

A Silver Award is an award given out to a group of Girl Scouts that have worked hard to complete a project that benefits their community.

My group decided help the Children’s Hospital of Omaha. We heard from a family that spent some time in the hospital that the service dogs that visited them made their time there better. My group thought that it would be a good idea to support the dogs. To do this, we decided to talk to someone at the hospital. The hospital told us that a Dog Waste Station was greatly needed for the dogs. It would be put outside of the hospital for all of the service dogs to use during their breaks. We were also given a list of things that the dog needed like a bed and food.

Once we knew what our goal was, we had to find a way to raise the money to purchase it. We decided to contact the local veterinary clinics in Lincoln and Omaha. Some of the vets decided to donate to our cause. One clinic decided to donate a complete Dog Waste Station!

My group was able raise enough money to donate two Dog Waste Stations and the complete wish list the hospital provided for us. We went to drop off our donations at the end of September at the hospital. During that trip, we were able to meet the dog and his handler.

This experience has taught me the importance of team work and positivity. I worked on my leadership skills and organization. My team worked well together to accomplish our goals in a certain amount of time. This experience will help me in my future because of all of the skills I have practiced in the last few months.


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