This I Believe

This I Believe

For an assignment in English class, we had to write a This I Believe essay. We followed the NPR (National Public Radio) guidelines. This I Believe stories were started in the 1950s. While writing this essay, I had to look within myself and figure out what I truly believe.

This I Believe

“As long as you work hard, everything will work itself out.” I have lived by this statement that was spoken by my father for many years now. In my family, there is no such thing as slacking off. One of my family’s core beliefs is that hard work and determination will get you a long way in life.

My parents did not grow up in extremely wealthy families. My mom grew up living in a trailer park, and my dad tells stories of how he would open the refrigerator to find it empty. My parents had to work hard in school to get where they are today. It is hard to get into law school. Trust me, I hear about it a lot from my cousin who is currently in her first year at law school. Through a lot of hard work and determination, my parents made it in and out of law school with good grades.

From then, they had to find jobs to provide for themselves and two dogs. Later, my sister and I would be added to their growing family. They have provided for my family for a long time now. From a trailer parks and empty refrigerators to successful lawyers, my parents have come a long way.

They have inspired me to work very hard to achieve all of my goals in life. They set the standard high, but I daily receive support and encouragement from them. Because of the way they have lived their lives, I have been able to see the benefits that determination and hard work can reap. In everything I do, I give it my all. I have never given up on something I believe in because I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it.

Great things come from hard work. In my life, I have worked hard in school, sports, and everything in between. Without my determination to do well and improve, I would not have the life I am currently living. My life has been formed around the idea that working hard will take me far in life, and I believe it. When people think of someone who has been successful in life, most of those people have had to work very hard to achieve greatness.

I believe if everyone worked hard, the world would become a better place. There would be less highschool dropouts and more people with jobs. When people give something their all, nobody can question if they fail. If someone didn’t do well, but tried their best, they can’t be blamed for not trying hard enough.

I believe that hard work is key to a successful life. As long as I never give up, everything will be okay. I believe in the strength of determination because of the  people who have shown me through their own lives that it is important. “As long as you work hard, everything will work itself out.”

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